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Biden News

What We Can Expect from Trump and Biden's Debate

The Root

8 Things to Watch For

With the 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump fast approaching, here are 8 things to look out for.

1. The candidates' body language. Body language can reveal a lot about a candidate's state of mind and their level of confidence. 2. The candidates' tone of voice. The way a candidate speaks can also reveal a lot about their state of mind and their level of confidence. 3. The candidates' choice of words. The words a candidate chooses to use can reveal their values and their priorities. 4. The candidates' arguments. The arguments a candidate makes can reveal their policy positions and their beliefs. 5. The candidates' attacks on each other. The attacks a candidate makes on their opponent can reveal their level of respect for their opponent and their willingness to play dirty. 6. The candidates' responses to each other. The way a candidate responds to their opponent's attacks can reveal their level of confidence and their ability to think on their feet. 7. The candidates' overall performance. The overall performance of a candidate can reveal their level of preparedness and their ability to handle the pressure of a debate. 8. The reaction of the audience. The reaction of the audience can reveal the level of support for each candidate and the level of interest in the debate.
